Downloaded the game and jacked up every graphics features to maximum. Yes game is old and will not do 2560 x 1440 and you can tell this game came out many years ago. it is a good game feels like Dragon Age 2 except your character does not have a voice when he or she speaks like Dragon Age 2 has. As far as the role playing part of it it is a bit on the weak side but it is still fun. Also found that the combat was a bit clumsy having to disarm mines and stuff like that in the middle of a fight but you can ignore that. I run the game on a Imac 27 Intel core 2 Duo 3.06 with a 4670 and it did crash around 4 times in the entire game play so save often. Graphics are quite antiquated but all in all not a bad game. You can tell that this was the start of Bioware RPG style game. But all in all was fun.
DeMatrix about Star Wars™: KOTOR, v1.3.8